
【2023 Stream of Dharma.77】 An Earth-shattering Disaster Awakens the World

Published on 25/10/2023 13:34 | [Stream of Dharma]

【2023 Stream of Dharma.77】 An Earth-shattering Disaster Awakens the World

Master Cheng Yen expounded:

That night, my heart truly ached. During the morning volunteer assembly on September 12, I told Tzu Chi volunteers all over the world that I hoped that such an earth-shattering disaster would bring about a world-changing awakening in us. I hope we can all pray with utmost sincerity because all of this is the result of the collective karma of sentient beings. Therefore, we initiated the Spread Love Throughout the World Project.

On October 13, the whole world joined in at the same time. From that moment on, Tzu Chi volunteers all over Taiwan called upon others to begin awakening this love in them. We must call upon everyone to engage in great repentance, engage in sincere prayer and practice the spirit of great love. We should not just promote it but must practice it.


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