
【Tzu Chi in Malaysia】20230401 Be with Nepal – Episode 3 Tzu Chi Footsteps of Love in Nepal Series

Published on 20/12/2023 08:33 | [Tzu Chi in Malaysia]

【Tzu Chi in Malaysia】20230401 Be with Nepal – Episode 3 Tzu Chi Footsteps of Love in Nepal Series

The dropout rate of Nepalese children is high and they face the problem of food shortages at home. Most people suffer from illness due to poverty, and local medical resources are also scarce. Volunteers constantly ask themselves: Why are the people in Buddha’s hometown still so poor and backward?

Shouldering Master Cheng Yen's mission of giving back to Buddha's hometown, Tzu Chi volunteers, with non-stop caring footsteps, are committed to transforming the lives of the people and enhancing the education of the children. However, to achieve all of this, assistance from the local community in Nepal is necessary.



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